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ACT Inspection action to verify compliance with employment quotas for people with disabilities

Knowledge   >   ACT Inspection action to verify compliance with employment quotas for people with disabilities

Between September 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025, the Authority for Working Conditions (‘ACT’) will launch an inspection campaign to verify compliance with employment quotas for people with disabilities, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 4/2019 of January 10.

The main purpose of this campaign is to monitor compliance with the measures set out in Law no. 4/2019 of 10 January, which established a system of employment quotas for people with disabilities, with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60%, with a view to their hiring by private sector employers and certain public sector bodies.

As of February 1, 2023, large companies (with more than 250 employees) are obliged to employ no less than 2% of their workforce with disabilities. Medium-sized companies (with between 75 and 249 employees) have been obliged to hire at least 1% of their employees with disabilities since February 1, 2024.

Failure to comply with these employment quotas constitutes a serious administrative offence, punishable by a fine of up to € 9,690.00, depending on the company’s turnover, and failure to comply with the duty to adapt the recruitment and selection process constitutes a minor offence. The latter, in the event of a repeat offence, may result in the application of an ancillary sanction of deprivation of the right to participate in public tenders for a period of up to two years.

Finally, it should also be noted that there is currently a range of support for hiring people with disabilities, both for companies and for the workers themselves, which aims to eliminate or at least reduce some of the increased difficulties they may experience in recruiting and integrating workers into the labour market.

Telmo G. Semião Partner
Bárbara Lima Paixão Associate