Team > Raquel Galinha Roque

Raquel Galinha Roque
Founding Partner
She has a solid of experience in the area of litigation, with a preference in the area of economic-business litigation, namely corporate, insolvency, administrative and tax.
She has developed his activity with commercial and civil companies, of different dimensions, always following the different needs of each client.
Professional Experience
From October 2015
Founding Partner at CRS Advogados.
From January 2014
Representative of Young Portuguese Lawyers at the Lisbon Regional Council of the Bar Association
From January 2009 to September 2015
Lawyer in private practice.
From January 2006 to December 2008
Lawyer Associate at PMBGR – Sociedade de Advogados RL
Professional Card Holder
n.º 46159L
Academic Education:
Master’s student in Corporate Law at ISCTE.
Executive Master’s Degree in Tax Management, at INDEG BUSINESS SCHOOL – Institute for Management Development / ISCTE
Postgraduate course in Mediation and Restorative Justice, at ISEC – Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências
Lae Degree from the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University
Portuguese |English | French | Spanish