A CRS Advogados foi distinguida, em mais uma edição, no ranking da Legal 500.
A Legal 500 divulgou os resultados da Europa e EMEA ranking e a CRS Advogados volta a ser nomeada para a área de prática de “Employment”. A título individual foram ainda destacados, nesta área, Telmo Guerreiro Semião, Sócio, e Catarina Enes de Oliveira, Advogada Associada.
Aceda ao ranking através do link: Employment in Portugal | Law firm and lawyer rankings from The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa guide
CRS Advogados was distinguished in the Legal 500 edition.
The Legal 500 released the results of Europe and EMEA ranking and once again CRS Advogados was nominated for the employment practice area. On the individual nominations, Telmo Guerreiro Semião, partner, and Catarina Enes de Oliveira were also appointed.
Access the ranking here: Employment in Portugal | Law firm and lawyer rankings from The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa guide